5 Things You Need To Be Doing While Writing Your Book


Many people think that writing a book is all about having a good story or hook, but the reality is you are in the book writing “business.”  Here are five things that you should do while you are writing the book that can help your “book business” once you finish. Continue reading

Strength In Numbers



For the past three months, my third novel, The Custer Conspiracy, has been circulating among the NY Literati looking for an agent. To date, I have received five requests to see the entire manuscript seeded between thirty-three outright rejections.

Even though I think The Custer Conspiracy is worthy of a mainstream publishing house, I’m not surprised at the level of disinterest. I understand the book business pretty well (I think), and can appreciate the pressures the agent class is under when trying to select books the ordinary reader (you and me) will be allowed to read. Continue reading

On June 25, 1876, George Custer was killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Or was he?

Tombstone of George Custer's brother
** Image above is tombstone of Custer’s brother, Tom.

One hundred forty years ago, on June 25th, 1876 , Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer and 210 troopers under his command were wiped out fighting the Lakota Sioux and Northern Cheyenne at the Little Bighorn valley in southeastern Montana. To this day, the Battle of the Little Bighorn remains one of the most studied, publicized and controversial battles in American history.

Two years ago, on the anniversary of the battle, I stood on that hallowed ground. Continue reading

On being “Discovered”



I was recently asked what’s the biggest hurdle I face as an indie author. Easy answer.


Let me be honest  … I don’t write novels just for the fun of it. Just to have a gotcha over old drinking buddies. I’m in this because I’m itching to be a mainstream, bestselling author. And I can do it. All I have to do is get …discovered. Continue reading

The Holy Grail of the Discoverability Process


The real “social media” at work.

“DISCOVERABILITY” – the bane of all Indie writers. If you are (or were) like me, you spent a lot of time thinking, planning, plotting about how to get “discovered”. On the one hand, it looks so easy. I mean, if 50 Shades of Grey can do it, so can you. Right?

Ummm …. NO! Continue reading